Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


Nama   : Sisca Ria Fatmawati
NPM   : 16209754
Kelas   : 4EA17
Tugas   : Bisnis Inggris -2 (Softskill)

A.    Buatlah 10 kalimat question tag ?
Jawab :
Question Tags (Pertanyaan Tegas) adalah suatu pertanyaan  pendek di akhir kalimat pernyataan yang berfungsi untuk mempertegas pernyataan yang bersangkutan.
Contoh :
1.      She is a doctor, isn’t she?
2.      You are not happy, are you?
3.      Sisca  isn’t here, is she?
4.      Robert goes to school by bicycle, doesn’t he?
5.      You Like Tea, don’t you?
6.      I am a student, aren’t I?
7.      She will invite us, won’t she?
8.      Paty looks pale, doesn’t she?
9.      Stop the noise, will you?
10.  He has never gone to Surabaya, has he?

B.     Buatlah 10 kalimat conditional sentences?
Jawab :
Conditional Sentences (Kalimat Pengandaian) adalah suatu bentuk kalimat majemuk yang dapat kita gunakan ketika kita ingin mengatakan bahwa sesuatu tersebut adalah suatu akibat atau konsekuensi yang tergantung pada situasi lainnya. Di dalamnya terdapat klausa pengandaian (IF CLAUSE) dan klausa akibat (RESULT CLAUSE). Pada bentuk conditional sentences kita menggunakan kata "if (jika)".
Contoh :
1.      If I’m not busy, I come to your party.
2.      If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
3.      If I taught this class, I would not give tests.
4.      If Agung were here right now, he would help us.
5.      If I were you, I would accept this invitation.
6.      If they had studied, they would have passed the exam.
7.      If I had called sarah, she would have come here.
8.      If it's raining here now, then it was raining on the West Coast this morning.
9.      If he said that to me, I would run away.
10.  If you had done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess now.

C.     Jelaskan pengertian adjective and adverb dan buat contohnya?
Jawab :
Adverbs adalah kata keterangan. Adverbs dan adjectives memiliki kesamaan. Jika ditinjau dari segi filsafat bahasa, kedua kata ini diawali dengan kata “Ad” yang memungkinkan adanya arti “Add” atau “penambahan”. Jika adjectives menambahkan kejelasan arti pada benda-benda (nouns), maka adverbs menambahkan kejelasan terhadap kata kerja (verbs).

Adjectives are words that describe nouns or pronouns. They may come before the word they describe (That is a cute puppy.) or they may follow the word they describe (That puppy is cute.).

Adverbs are words that modify everything but nouns and pronouns. They modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. A word is an adverb if it answers how, when, or where.
Contoh :
1.      When I was reading an English book, my friend came.
2.      I’ll tell you as soon as I know.
3.      You did a good job.
4.      Well answers how.
5.      Here the woman did actively look with eyes, so the -ly is added.
6.      I do not feel well. You do not look well today.
7.      I feel good about my decision to learn Spanish.
8.      She spoke more quickly than he did.
9.      Talk more quietly.
10.  This dog is mine.

D.    Jelaskan pengertian so and such dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
So and Such digunakan untuk menyampaikan sebab akibat, bedanya hanya terletak pada penempatan Part of Speech. Setelah kata such diikuti noun phrase (kata benda), sedangkan setelah kata so diikuti adjective (kata sifat).

Contoh :
1.      That was such an amazing car that amazed everybody.
2.      The car was so amazing that everybody felt stunned.
3.      He is such a good boy that we always miss him.
4.      Ratna is such a smart girl that she always wins a competition.
5.      The rain was so heavy that I was afraid to go out.
6.      The man was so scared that he worried to watch the movie.

E.     Jelaskan pengertian yes and no question dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
Yes-No question adalah pertanyaan yang membutuhkan jawaban yes (ya) atau no (tidak).
Yes-no question dapat dibuat dengan merubah declarative sentence (statement).  kamu harus tau yang mana subject, main verb (tidak diikuti oleh verb manapun), dan helping verb (sebelum main verb).
Contoh :
1.      Should Caca see the dentist as soon as possible? [should= helping verb].
2.      Is Zula kindhearted young man? [is= main verb be]
3.      Does your father work hard? [does= dummy auxiliary]
4.      Can’t he drive a car?
5.      Didn’t you see my sport shoes?
6.      Isn’t the earth flat?
7.      She is visiting Bali.
8.      They have finished the homework.
9.      My sister will be cooking fried rice
10.  Tony has been working all day long.

F.      Jelaskan pengertian A Few  and Few dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
A Few berarti several atau beberapa, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai kata di depan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.      I wish you would stay here a few days.
2.      I was glad to have a few books.
3.      I have a few friends besides you.
4.      One can always rely on a few people.
Few berarti not many, atau dengan perkataan lain, berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di muka kata benda bentuk jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.      Few people will admit their faults.
2.      Has he few books?
3.      She has few friends except you.
4.      There are few pencils in that drawer.

G.    Jelaskan pengertian little and a little dan buatlah contohnya ?
Jawab :
Little berarti not much, tidak banyak atau sedikit jumlahnya, menyatakan hal yang negatif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.      I have little time to do it.
2.      He was sorry to find that he had little money.
3.      There is little hope for him to recover.
4.      There is little petrol in this drum.
5.      He had little money.

A Little berarti sedikit, menyatakan hal yang positif, dipakai di depan kata benda bentuk tunggal yang tidak dapat dihitung.
Contoh :
1.      I am glad I have a little time left.
2.      He has a little money with him.
3.      Will you have a little wine?
4.      Please give me a little bread.
5.      He had a little money.

H.    Jelaskan pengertian enough dan buatlah contohnya ?
Enough adalah kata sifat bilangan (numeral adjectives) atau kata sifat kuantitatif (Quantitative Adjectives).
Contoh :
1.      He ate enough bread.
2.      She ate loaves enough.

I.       Jelaskan pengertian because and because of dan buatlah contohnya ?
Because artinya karena
Digunakan sebelum kalimat yang terdapat subjek dan kata kerja (jika berupa kalimat verbal) atau kata bantu (jika berupa kalimat nominal).
Contoh :
1.      They pass the exam because they study hard.
2.      Toni loves the cat because it is funny.
            Because of adalah karena/dikarenakan
            Digunakan sebelum kata benda (noun), kata ganti milik (possessive pronoun) atau gerund
            (kata kerja+ing)
Contoh :
1.      Jeni was worried because of the rain.
2.      The students arrived late because of the traffic jam.

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013


NAMA                        : SISCA RIA F
NPM                           : 16209754
KELAS                       : 4EA17

1.             Buatlah kalimat positif, negatif dan Tanya pada MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS (Kata Kerja Bantu Modal) : can, may, must, might, should, could, ought to, had better, have to, have got to, prefer, like …… better, would rather, would ?
Jawab :
Kalimat Positif Can :
Rumus : S + Can + V-1
a.       I can swim
b.      He can sing
c.       She can dance
d.      I can paint
e.       He can speak five foreign languages
            Kalimat Negatif Can :
            Rumus : S +  Can + Not + V-1
a.       I can’t swim
b.      He can’t sing
c.       She can’t dance
d.      I can’t paint
e.       He can’t speak five foreign languages
            Kalimat Tanya Can :
            Rumus : Can + S + V-1
a.       Can I swim ?
b.      Ca He sing ?
c.       Can She dance ?
d.      Can I paint ?
e.       Can He speak five foreign languages ?
            Kalimat Positif May :
            Rumus : S + May + V-1
a.       He may come after June
b.      She may come dinner tomorrow
c.       You may leave now
d.      You may attend the concert
e.       The cat may sleep on the sofa
            Kalimat Negatif May :
            Rumus : S + May + Not + V-1
a.        He may not come after June
b.       She may not come dinner tomorrow
c.        You may not leave now
d.       You may not attend the concert
e.        The cat may not sleep on the sofa
Kalimat Tanya May :
Rumus : May + S + V-1                       
a.        May he come after June
b.       May she come dinner tomorrow
c.        May you leave now
d.       May you attend the concert
e.        May the cat sleep on the sofa

            Kalimat Positif Must :
Rumus : S + Must + V-1
a.       You must meet her
b.      We must say good-bye now
c.       We must go now
d.      He must stay at home
e.       You must clean your teeth
            Kalimat Negatif Must :
            Rumus : S + Must + Not+ V-1
a.       You must not meet her
b.      We must not say good-bye now
c.       We must not go now
d.      He must not stay at home
e.       You must not clean your teeth
            Kalimat Tanya Must :
            Rumus : Must + S + V-1
a.       Must you meet her
b.      Must we say good-bye now
c.       Must we go now
d.      Must he stay at home
e.       Must you clean your teeth

            Kalimat Positif Might :
Rumus : S + Might + V-1
a.       Neno might call us today
b.      Mother might cook soup today
c.       They might stay here for a few days last month
d.      It might rain today
e.       I might use computer
            Kalimat Negatif Might :
            Rumus : S + Might + Not + V-1
a.       Neno might not call us today
b.      Mother might not cook soup today
c.       They might not stay here for a few days last month
d.      It might not rain today
e.       I might not use computer
            Kalimat Tanya Might :
            Rumus : Might + S + V-1
a.       Might neon call us today
b.      Might mother cook soup today
c.       Might they stay here for a few days last month
d.      Might it rain today
e.       Might I use computer
            Kalimat Positif Should :
            Rumus : S + Should + V-1
a.       You should study hard
b.      Tom should take the chance.
c.       We should come here
d.      They should play football in the street
e.       I should be happy right now
            Kalimat Negatif Should :
            Rumus : S + Should + Not + V-1
a.       You should not study hard
b.      Tom should not take the chance
c.       We should not come here
d.      They should not play football in the street
e.       I should not be happy right now
            Kalimat Tanya Should :
            Rumus : Should + S + V-1
a.       Should you study hard
b.      Should tom take the chance
c.       Should we come here
d.      Should they play football in the street
e.       Should I be happy right now
            Kalimat Positif Could :
Rumus : S + could + V-1
a.       She could come yesterday
b.      She could dance beautifully
c.       I could sing melodious
d.      We could go on a picnic
e.       You could talk to your teacher
            Kalimat Negatif Could :
            Rumus : S + could + not + V-1
a.       She could not come yesterday
b.      She could not dance beautifully
c.       I could not sing melodious
d.      We could not go on a picnic
e.       You could not talk to your teacher
            Kalimat Tanya Could :
            Rumus : Could + S + V-1
a.       Could she come yesterday
b.      Could she dance beautifully
c.       Could I sing melodious
d.      Could we go on a picnic
e.       Could you talk to your teacher

            Kalimat Positif Ought to :
            Rumus : S + Ought to + V-1
a.       You ought to study hard
b.      You ought to stop annoy her
c.       This rate ought to increase next week
d.      Alex ought to get A
e.       Maria ought to go out
            Kalimat Negatif Ought to :
            Rumus : S + Ought to + Not + V-1
a.       You ought to not study hard
b.      You ought to not stop annoy her
c.       This rate ought to not increase next week
d.      Alex ought to not get A
e.       Maria ought to not go out

            Kalimat Tanya Ought to :
            Rumus : Ought to + S + V-1
a.       Ought to you study hard
b.      Ought to you stop annoy her
c.       Ought to this rate increase next week
d.      Ought to alex get A
e.       Ought to maria go out

            Kalimat Positif Had better :
            Rumus : S + Had better + V-1
a.       You had better tell her everything
b.      We had better meet early
c.       You had better say anything
d.      I had better come
e.       We had better miss the start of his presentation
            Kalimat Negatif Had better :
            Rumus :
a.       You had better not tell her everything
b.      We had better not meet early
c.       You had better not say anything
d.      I had better not come
e.       We had better not miss the start of his presentation
            Kalimat Tanya Had better :
            Rumus :
a.       Had better you tell her everything
b.      Had better we meet early
c.       Had better say anything
d.      Had better I come
e.       Had better we miss the start of this presentation

            Kalimat Positif Have to :
            Rumus : S + Have to + V-1
a.       We have to go now
b.      I have to keep the fruits in the fridge
c.       I have to study hard
d.      I have to go home now
e.       We have to go out tonight
            Kalimat Negatif Have to :
            Rumus : S + Have to + Not +V-1
a.       We have to not go now
b.      I have to not keep the fruits in the fridge
c.       I have to not study hard
d.      I have to not go home now
e.       We have to not go out tonight
            Kalimat Tanya Have to :
            Rumus :
a.       Do we have to go now
b.      Do I have to keep the fruits in the fridge
c.       Do I have to study hard
d.      Do I have to go home now
e.       Do we have to go out tonight

            Kalimat Positif Have got to :
            Rumus : S + Have go to + V-1
a.         I have got  to go now
b.        I have go to bali
c.         You have go to a minute
d.        She have go to tomorrow
e.         I have go to school
            Kalimat Negatif Have got to :
            Rumus : S + Have go to + Not + V-1
a.         I have got  to go not now
b.        I have go to not bali
c.         You have go to not a minute
d.        She have go to not tomorrow
e.         I have go to not school                  
            Kalimat Tanya Have got to :
            Rumus : Hve go to + S + V-1
a.         Have go to I  now
b.        Hve go to I bali
c.         Have go to you a minute
d.        Have go to she tomorrow
e.         Have go to I school
            Kalimat Positif Prefer :
            Rumus : S + Prefer + Noun/V-ing + To + Noun/V-ing
a.       I prefer singing to dancing
b.      Budi prefers meat ball to fried rice
c.       She prefers swimming to jogging
d.      I prefer panting to drawing
e.       We prefer reading to watching
            Kalimat Negatif Prefer :
            Rumus : S + Prefer + Not + Noun/V-ing + To + Noun/V-ing 
a.       I prefer not singing to dancing
b.      Budi prefers not meat ball to fried rice
c.       She prefers not swimming to jogging
d.      I prefer not panting to drawing
e.       We prefer not reading to watching
Kalimat Tanya Prefer :
Rumus : Prefer + S + Noun/V-ing + To + Noun/V-ing
a.       Prefer I singing to dancing
b.      Prefer Budi meat ball to fried rice
c.       Prefer She swimming to jogging
d.      Prefer I painting to drawing
e.       Prefer We reading to watching
            Kalimat Positif Like …. Better :
            Rumus : S + like + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing
a.       I like watching TV better than studying
b.      Yuda likes reading better than watching T.V
c.       Imay likes singing better than dancing
d.      Upin likes shopping better than reading
e.       Tari likes playing better than studying
            Kalimat Negatif Like …. Better :
            Rumus : S + like + not + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing
a.        I like not watching TV better than studying
b.      Yuda likes not reading better than watching T.V
c.       Imay likes not singing better than dancing
d.      Upin likes not shopping better than reading
e.       Tari likes not playing better than studying
            Kalimat Tanya Like …. Better :
            Rumus : Like + S + noun/V-ing + better than + noun/V-ing
a.       Like  watching TV better than studying
b.      Like Yuda reading better than watching T.V
c.       Like imay singing better than dancing
d.      Like upin shopping better than reading
e.       Like tari playing better than studying

            Kalimat Positif Would rather :
            Rumus : S + would rather + V1 + than + V1
a.       You would rather watch T.V than plays a video game
b.      You would rather an apple than an orange
c.        You would rather be your friend
d.       You would wather tea or coffee
e.       You would rather play golf this friday
            Kalimat Negatif Would rather :
            Rumus :
a.       You would rather not watch T.V than plays a video game
b.      You would rather not an apple than an orange
c.       You would rather not be your friend
d.       You would rather not tea or coffee
e.       You would rather not play golf this friday
            Kalimat Tanya Would rather :
            Rumus :
a.       Would you rather watch T.V than plays a video game
b.      Would you rather have an apple or an orange
c.       Would you rather be your friend
d.      Would you wather tea or coffee
e.        Would you rather play golf this friday
            Kalimat Positif Would :
a.       He would punished before he escaped
b.      She knows that it would be pleasant in Bali
c.       I would send the letter to my daughter
d.      You would pass the book, please
e.        That would be his brother in front of my house
Kalimat Negatif Would :
Rumus :
a.        He would not punished before he escaped
b.      She knows that it would be not pleasant in Bali
c.       I would not send the letter to my daughter
d.      You would not pass the book, please
e.       That would be not his brother in front of my house
Kalimat Tanya Would :
Rumus :
a.       Would he punished before he escaped
b.      Would she knows that it pleasant in Bali
c.       Would I send the letter to my daughter
d.      Would you pass the book, please
e.       Would that his brother in front of my house

2.             Sebutkanlah macama-macam countable noun dan uncountable ?
Jawab :
Countable noun adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Simbol noun dalam kamus oxford adalah dengan symbol N[C]. Di countable noun ada bentuk tunggal atau singular, dan juga bentuk jamak atau plural.
Contoh :
Cat – Cats
Frog – Frogs
Pen – Pens

Uncountable noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung. Simbol dalam kamus oxford adalah diberi symbol N[U]. Secara umum bentuk uncountable noun dianggap sebagai bentuk tunggal (singular).
Contoh :
Water, sand, sugar, milk, bread, fruit